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June 4, 2024

News Article

Let’s shine the light on short game practice facilities

Golf is currently seeing much evolution in the “practice” and learning space.  This can be witnessed through the advancement of Top Tracer and Trackman, as many clubs are  investing heavily in Driving Ranges and technology.

But…..what about short game facilities?  The area of the game that anyone from 5-95 years can adapt to immediately.  We often see a practice putting green at most Golf venues, and likely a chipping green of some sort (let’s face it – sometimes it’s an afterthought), but what about the advancement of short game areas in line with Driving Ranges.  Spaces to learn the shorter shots but also somewhere for more advanced Golfers to hone their skills.

“Himalayas style” putting greens are starting to gain momentum in the States and, of course, these have been inspired by the original “Himalayas” at the home of Golf.  So, why are Golf Clubs and facilities building these?  Well, they can be a fun, communal, creative and unique practice facility.  Especially when placed in the right area and with the correct professional design.  These green complexes can incorporate putting of course, but also chipping and bunker play.  Just imagine one right out the front of the Clubhouse.   It could even be floodlit!

Paul Jansen recently spoke on episode 92 of Golf Club Talk UK about his company – Himalayas Golf and the benefits of enhanced and design-lead short game practice facilities.

Giulia Ferroni of Leeds Golf Design is also an advocate.  ‘In recent years I have noted a growing demand for short game areas. Practice greens are fundamental for training juniors and beginners, but equally can serve Golfers of all abilities. On top of that, time availability can be an issue, making all of us more and more in favour of a quicker practice during the week and playing a full round of golf on the weekend.’

Picture the scene – A good crowd on the patio enjoying a bite to eat, a drink and most of all, the buzzy atmosphere of Golfers enjoying themselves on the putting green.  Appealing??…… Let’s see if some clubs in the UK can make it happen!

Leighton Walker

Co-host – Golf Club Talk UK podcast